CALL TO ACTION: Join us in Columbus to help Save Ohio Film Jobs

Join us in Columbus on Thursday, May 23rd at 9:00 AM
to testify for the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit

WHEN:  MAY 23, 2019

The Senate Finance Committee will be holding a hearing on Sub. HB 166. Specifically, they will be hearing public testimonies on the tax and general government topics on Thursday, May 23rd at 9:00 AM. Tax matters will be heard first, so please plan accordingly if you intend to testify.

Testifying is not mandatory to attend; we want to show the strength of our numbers as much as we want to tell our lawmakers how this decision will affect our industry.

For those testifying, send a complete witness slip and your testimony no less than 24 hours in advance of the committee hearing time to Sarah Totedo (Chairman Dolan’s LA) at

Click HERE to be taken to the interactive witness slip. If the “Submit” button doesn’t work, please save the completed document and email it as an attachment to Sarah Totedo.

Download Witness Slip
Download Meeting Agenda

For questions, please contact Development Coordinator Juli Johnson at 216-344-7424 or

The Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

Senate Side of the Statehouse
Finance Hearing Room

Parking Information
PLEASE NOTE: Parking at the Statehouse Underground Garage is extremely limited and a poriton is currently under construction. Please plan accordingly for other arrangements.

Other Ways To Help

Our lawmakers in Columbus have made it known that they don’t want to hear from Hollywood, they wants to hear from YOU, the local film professional!

They want to hear how YOU will be affected if the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit is eliminated.

If you can’t make it to Columbus on Thursday, there are several other ways you can help!

Contact Your Lawmakers – Click HERE
Write an email, mail a letter, or even make phone calls to the decision makers!

Use our template letter and personalize it to each recipient, or create your own.



Send us a Selfie or Headshot – Click HERE

According to the MPAA, the media production industry in Ohio is responsible for 35,000 jobs.

Help us show the faces behind Ohio’s film job numbers.

Send your self or headshot by Monday, May 20th at 5:00 PM to be included in our Faces of Ohio Film collage.

Share on Social Media

Use #SaveOhioFilmJobs to help us spread our message across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Share, retweet and regram these posts to help raise awareness.

Follow us on Facebook? Update your profile pic with our new frame! Click HERE and search #SaveOhioFilmJobs to add.