IATSE and Studios Reach Tentative Agreement on Area Standards Contract | The Hollywood Reporter

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SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter | Katie Kilkenny
June 27, 2024

Entertainment’s top crew union struck a tentative deal with Hollywood’s studios and streamers for a contract covering 23 Locals on Thursday, just two days after their West Coast peers did the same.

IATSE announced in a message to its members that a three-year successor deal to its Area Standards Agreement has been reached with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. The agreement will need to be ratified by IATSE members — 20,000 of whom work under the deal — before it can take effect.

Significant improvements in the ASA tentative agreement include a scale wage rate increase of 7 percent, 4 percent, and 3.5 percent over the three-year term. The ASA also includes “additional regional wage adjustments and a uniform benefit contribution rate for all jurisdictions with significant increases in both health and retirement representing as much as a $63 increase per employee, per day in some areas.”