Vanessa on the set of “Hal King” as Property Master
GCFC Member, volunteer, and local crew member Vanessa Capella may not have been born in Cleveland, but she is still just as proud to call this city home, and is passionate about helping the Greater Cleveland Film Commission create jobs.
“When I arrived in Cleveland three years ago, I started researching the local media industry to continue my career – even with years of experience in media and events, it’s not easy to restart in a new place.”
In her research, Vanessa found out about the GCFC and our work to create media production jobs in the region.
“I heard about GCFC and realized that our objectives were very in tune. I was looking for opportunities and the Commission was working to bring more films and media productions to the region, and consequently, more jobs. Bingo!”
Vanessa first got involved with the GCFC by volunteering for our Annual Behind the Camera Fundraiser with Tom Hanks in December of 2016. She also attended Tri-C’s Intensive Film Crew Training taught by industry professionals, adding that it was the “best workshop” she had attended.

From the “Native Son” Wrap Party: (Left) Actor Nick Robinson (“The Kings of Summer”, Des Matelske, Actor Ashton Sanders (“Moonlight”), Katlyn Neylon, and Vanessa Capella.
Vanessa soon had the chance to work as a Production Assistant on several Cleveland films, including Escape Plan 3 and Native Son, which just wrapped last month in Cleveland. She was also involved in the short film Swipe Right, written and directed by Des Matelske, who she met at the Tri-C workshop. About Swipe Right, which was selected by various film festivals, including NYC Independent Film Festival, she said she “could not be more happy to be the Production Designer for this amazing project!”
Vanessa is currently working on The Last Summer as it’s winding down filming this month.
“When I got my first paycheck, I became a GCFC member. I’m really glad about the opportunities I had, and that was my way to say ‘thank you’ to the Commission. Keep doing this great work, GCFC, we are here ready for more!”
To become a GCFC Member like Vanessa and support film in Cleveland, click HERE!
Your membership creates a direct economic impact by making the GCFC’s movie attraction efforts, workforce development events, and our statewide advocacy all possible.