My name is Colette Jefferson and I am currently a junior at Trinity High School in Garfield Heights, OH. I am so lucky to be able to have such a fascinting internship and I cannot thank the staff enough for how friendly and welcoming they have been to me. I cannot wait to see all of the exciting projects that I will get to be apart of this year. It has already been an amazing experience so far.
My love for film began as soon as I started getting interested in horror movies and television shows. The first horror movie I ever watched was Stephen King’s Children of the Corn, and I instantly fell in love with every creepy aspect of films. I have watched almost every Stephen King movie, seen all of the classic horror movies (such as Scream, Nightmare on Elmstreet, Halloween, etc.), and I get excited whenever I hear that a new horror movie is coming out; lame, I know.
However, I cannot give all of the credit to the classics. Back in 2014, I was watching an episode of amc’s The Walking Dead, when I learned that they do not use a lot of CGI effects for the wounds on actor’s bodies, yet they use makeup. Special effects makeup is a process using various mediums of body paint, prosthetics, molds, and many other products to create advanced makeup effects. I fell in love with the idea of it all, and while back then I was not so good at it, I have improved in the past three years:
I hope to improve my makeup and sculpting skills even more when I head off to college in just two years. I plan to major in SFX Makeup, and minor in dance and mathematics. My love for makeup and dance is so big that I could not imagine letting them go, so being able to continue with them throughout college would be a dream come true.