Meet the Intern: Jenna Cooper

Hello everyone!

My name is Jenna Cooper, a shadowing student at the Greater Cleveland Film Commission and a Cleveland local. While I have graduated from Baldwin-Wallace with a psychology degree, I am looking forward to continuing my education at Cleveland State University within their film studies program. As you can see, I had a change of heart. After casually working in the business for many years, I realized it was my passion. I was getting to work in film… and I loved it! Hence, I decided to pursue more education. Whoever said ‘chase your dreams’ was right, because I would like to believe my success is fueled by my love for my work.

Currently, I have worked within the film industry for about six years. I started off when my special effects teacher at Berea-Midpark High School, Jim Bycznski, asked me to work with a film crew during the 48 Hour Film Competition. Ever since then, I have been hooked! Due to that, I started off as a practical special effects artist. I have won many awards for my work, including ‘Best Special Effects’ in multiple competitions or, my most recent favorite, ‘Best Skin Carving!’

Despite working in special effects, I have branched out into being a production assistant, writer, and many other positions. In 2022, I worked on the film ‘If Wishes Were Fishes’ as a set designer and key grip. The film won the Cleveland 48 Hour Film Competition, sending the film to the 2023 Filmapalooza in Los Angeles. While there, I explored the vast film scene, including touring Legacy Effects. Ultimately, I would not trade that experience for the word. I made so many valuable connections there. Once my career path settles and college is over, I would love to go back.

As mentioned before, while I do work in special effects, I do want to focus more on other aspects in film. My main concern is writing. Ever since I was a child, I have always written short stories and indulged in novels. I even have quite a few (well, more than a few) film scripts written! My main addiction is roleplay though. For over six years now, I have owned a roleplay website and have masterfully concocted site-wide plots for other writers to participate in. I adore producing plot-lines and looking into the psyche of the characters to determine how their actions contribute to the story. Truly, it is my pride and joy. If writing became my full-time job after college, my life’s purpose would be fulfilled. After all, creating the wilfest concept and seeing that executed beautifully is the most satisfying feeling. Not to mention seeing how people react to your work! It is so pleasing!

A lot of the media I view delves deep into emotion, whether that is the viewer’s or the character’s. I like when a writer not only focuses on the protagonist, but the antagonist and the many other side characters that drive the film. For example, take Mike Flanagan’s ‘Midnight Mass.’ Without spoiling the show, we see Riley, our protagonist, visibly struggle physically and emotionally when he is on screen. He struggles with the weight of his tragedy, his lack of religion, and the trauma he endured while rotting in a prison cell. That is contrasted with Father Paul Hill. Paul is obsessively faithful, doing whatever it takes to bring loyalists back to the church. He has endured a blessing and is not afraid to share his wisdom with Riley during their Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that Father leads. The viewer clearly can feel the tension between them when watching. The uncomfortable silence, the monotone monologues, and more just brings forth a variety of feelings from the characters and the watchers. It keeps viewers glued to the screen. They ask ‘What’s next?’ and keep watching in hopes of finding an answer to their many questions. In the end, it is all tied beautifully in a bow, but somehow leaves you wanting more. That is what I aspire to write. Something that makes you question reality by bringing you to your knees and then lifts you up, only to knock you down again. That emotional ride is enthralling. ‘Midnight Mass’ just happens to execute it beautifully.

To give you more perspective on my tastes, I’d like to include a few other pieces of media. ‘The Boys’ is another one of my favorites. The plot follows Hughie, an anxious young adult who suddenly endures the loss of his girlfriend by the hands of a superhero. From there, all hell breaks loose. Our protagonist is then dragged between The Boys, a group focused on terminating ‘supes’ controlled by a superhero corporation known as Vought, and his newfound love who happens to be one of those superheros in question. It is a rollercoaster of gore and wild plotlines that make you question what madman even concocted such a thing.

The creator of ‘The Boys,’ Eric Kripke, also ran ‘Supernatural.’ This show plagued my teenhood, intriguing me with the story of two brothers on the mission to fight monsters and tame demons. This show was included in a trifecta known as ‘SuperWhoLock,’ which also included Doctor Who and Sherlock. Ultimately, alongside many Marvel projects, these defined those angsty years. It was a whirlwind of emotions and fanservice through social media, but I just kept watching.

Nowadays, I tend to indulge in more casual television, rather than binging. ‘Good Omens’ is one piece I adore with all my heart. The book is something I loved as a teenager and when it was initially announced, I knew the show was going to be a hit. Along with that, ‘Our Flag Means Death’ lives rent free in my head. While it did end early in season two, the entire concept of the show fascinates me. There is even a Cleveland local and Baldwin-Wallace graduate, Alex Sherman, working as a writer alongside Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi. Speaking of which, ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ is another favorite.

I could say ‘enough about me’ and let you go after my long spiel now, but I would like to promote some of my stuff if you would like to keep up my journey.

You can currently follow me on Instagram at @jackedupsfx or as ‘Jenna Cooper’ on Facebook. If you are interested in working with me also, feel free to email or check out my portfolio at!

Again, thank you to the Greater Cleveland Film Commission for allowing me to shadow their offices. I am immensely pleased with their services around town and would love to work with them more sometime in the future.

Thank you for reading!
Jenna Cooper