Meet the Intern: Stella Naymik

Hello there! My name is Stella Naymik. I am a student filmmaker from Northfield, Ohio. I am a current Digital Media Production major at Kent State University, working towards becoming a producer, screenwriter, and director.

I grew up with a love for storytelling, constantly exposing myself to books, movies, podcasts, and more. In my youth, I acted on stage and screen and soon fell in love with filmmaking. Since starting my studies at Kent State, I have been involved in numerous productions, passion projects, and creative endeavors. Most notably, I have produced a senior thesis television pilot called Bunkers, a 25-minute short film titled KAYO!, and am the current director of The Female Filmmakers’ Initiative on campus.

I wanted to intern with the Greater Cleveland Film Commission not only to learn from professionals about the industry but also to gain a deeper understanding of the behind-the-scenes processes of what it takes to bring a film to life, from location scouting to building lasting relationships. From interning with the GCFC, I hope to have the opportunity to continue to build my network of connections, hone my skills, and work towards setting myself up for success in my future career.

When I’m not on set or prepping for shoots, I can be found reading, writing, attempting to strengthen my cooking skills, and of course, watching movies. Some of my favorites include Lady Bird (2017), Good Will Hunting (1997), and Singin’ in the Rain (1952).

After college, I hope to continue to work in the industry and make my own films!

If you want to learn more about me or reach out, you can check out my website or keep up with what I’m doing on Instagram @stella.naymik.

Thanks for reading!